
  塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德平等世界论坛主席、前资深外交官日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)近日在接受中新网采访时表示,塞方将中国视为实现经济现代化过程中“最重要的伙伴”,塞中铸就铁杆友谊的关键在于互信。他指出,塞尔维亚是最早响应共建“一带一路”倡议的国家之一,这一倡议惠及塞尔维亚和中东欧国家,不仅推动了经济增长,还促进了世界和平、稳定与发展。(甘甜)

  Serbia has perceived China as the most important partner in modernizing its economy, said Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and Silk Road Connectivity Research Center and former Serbian senior diplomat, during an interview with China News Network recently.

  Jovanovic pointed out that mutual trust reinforces ironclad friendship between the two countries. He also mentioned that the BRI initiative has benefited Serbia and Central and Eastern European countries and reinforced peace, stability and development all over the world. (Gan Tian)

  团餐市场中,校园餐则是体量最大(全国约有2.6亿人消费人口)的细分行业,具有社会关注度最高、政策性强的特点。宸睿资本创始人胡维波也曾提到,学校场景是团餐产业最大的消费场景,也是各个团餐企业重点布局的市场,占比在35%-40%。  关于中美两军关系。对于当前中美两军关系面临困难的原因,美方非常清楚,包括对中方的单边制裁,两军交流合作首先要移除障碍。#美方在涉台问题上篡改政治承诺#

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